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Low fat-high fat, low carb-high carb

All of us have met the trends in diet culture low fat - high carb or high fat - low carb and the debate goes on forever. There is the high carb camp and the keto camp. They will never agree, and they are trying to back up their truth with scientific studies.

First in the 1950's it began with mimicking the Asian diets, when everyone was told eating rice was the best for you. Then came the Atkins diet, where they told, yes rice and beans and potatoes are good, but what if you don't eat them and lose weight? It helped lose weight for many, but they got high cholesterol, fatty liver, heart disease, joint pains. And when they craved some fruits it triggered their body and insulin levels so much it responded with rapid gains.

We have these diets nowadays too, under high carb or keto names.

The truth is that as always balance is the key. You have to test the reaction of your body to certain foods and ingredients.

We hear the word insulin resistant more and more today. Why? It is caused by the unbalanced diets, which cause unbalanced hormone / insulin levels, which are hard to reset. Symptoms can be more than just weight gain, but feeling dizzy, headache, shivering, infertility, and the list goes on. We are combining our fats and carbs in a processed way, not as nuts and fruits, but as sugars and oils, fatty meats and dairy products, fried foods. All of these cause inflammation in our body and oxidative stress in your cells.

How to come back from that? Introduce carbs back into your meals slowly. Use whole food, plant based options like beans, rice, legumes, fruits in small amounts added to low carb options like salads. See the reaction of your body. If you are adding them one by one, you can see to which one is your body highly reactive and which won't cause a problem. Start maybe adding one tablespoon of beans to your meals. It will also help to get used to the fibre content and not make you bloated. When you feel you are okay with that quantity, than next week add a little more. Go step by step.

On the other hand try to reduce the amount of fats slowly. Try oil free dressing recipes with healthy fats like nuts and seeds, or avocados. You will get a creamier, rich tasting option with no saturated or highly processed trans fats, which can cause health issues like cancer, increased LDL which is your "bad cholesterol". Fats are essential for absorbing certain vitamins and nutrients, but if you have too much it will carry around the amount of glucose your body is getting from the foods in your blood system and storing them in the fat cells. Healthy fats can regulate your cholesterol level, help with your skin, eye sight by absorbing more vitamins (A, D, E, K).

So my advice is to keep a healthy balance. For more tips on the topic follow me on Instagram or if you need help book a consultation with me.


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